23 Okt 2010

Dapet award (lagi yang kedua)

Thank you for Mida which has given the award for me. So I will give this award to bloggers 10 people more real and follow the rules of the game yes. These people :
ATURAN MAIN: Bagi siapa saja yang menerima award ini diharuskan untuk membagikan kembali award ini kepada sepuluh orang temannya. Selanjutnya, si penerima award harus meletakkan link-link berikut ini di blog atau artikel masing-masing
  1. The Versatile Avenue
  2. the waterFlow
  3. babywiie
  4. Esther Angela
  5. Maria Lintang
  6. Junebug
  7. Xokyulatee Love
  8. PM AREA
  9. Rizkaa95's Diary
Sebelum teman-teman meletakkan link-link di atas, hapus terlebih dahulu peserta nomor 1 dari daftar. Sehingga semua peserta naik 1 level. Peserta no. 2 menjadi no.1, no.3 jadi 2, dst. Kemudian masukkan link Anda sendiri di bagian paling bawah (no.10). Tapi ingat...!!! kalian semua harus adil dalam menjalankannya. Jika tiap penerima award mampu memberikan award ini kepada 5 orang saja dan mereka semua mengerjakannya, maka jumlah backlink yang akan di dapat adalah:

Ketika posisi kamu 10, jumlah backlink = 1
Posisi 9, jumlah backlink = 5
Posisi 8, jumlah backlink = 25
Posisi 7, jumlah backlink = 125
Posisi 6, jumlah backlink = 625
Posisi 5, jumlah backlink = 3,125
Posisi 4, jumlah backlink = 15,625
Posisi 3, jumlah backlink = 78,125
Posisi 2, jumlah backlink = 390,625
Posisi 1, jumlah backlink = 1,953,125

Dan semuanya menggunakan kata kunci yang sobat inginkan. Dari sisi SEO (Search Engine Optimation) sobat sudah mendapatkan 1,953,125 baclink dan keuntungannya, blog , sobat akan mendapat traffic tambahan apalagi jika ada yang mneg-klik link ke blog sobat. Jadi, jangan sia-siakan award ini ya sobat!

15 Okt 2010

'Paranormal Activity 2' record the activity of other dimensions

The film Paranormal Activity is recognized as a very scary movie. Though no scenes showing off the bloody, horrible monsters, or ghosts that make you want to close my eyes, Oren Peli film claims that a duration of 86 minutes is really gripping.

And the success of this film seems to make Oren forced to make a sequel. By continuing to use the original title plus the number 2 in the rear, Paranormal Activity 2 is ready to re-provide gripping spectacle for connoisseurs of horror.

The second film, released October 22 in the U.S. starting from the first scene where the movie ends. There illustrate the existence of Katie unknown to their families thought it was Micah's lover dead.

When the younger sister Katie and her family moved into a new house, they begin to experience such horrible events experienced by Katie and Micah. Then came the question, which haunts them? Is Katie still alive? Where it is located?

You can follow to discover the mystery hidden within the trailer to read the instructions
  • On his official site, after the trailer finished playing, the baby's room, while the image appears in the mirror that there was no writing on the wall written in blood. If reversed, this article reads "What is happening to Hunter?"
  • The film itself has been published since the paranormal activity has recently circulated in 2007.
  • At the end of the trailer that was circulated, there was no baby in the room, but in the mirror on the other side of the box was not a reflection of the infant who was standing on the bed.
  • Reportedly, the trailer there is a secret image is intentionally inserted by the director.
Let you peek trailer Paranormal Activity 2, which has been circulating this. Who knows you find the answers HERE


11 Okt 2010

when selfish against patience

Here in this place I could only silence, silence, and ask questions. What should I do?
When selfish comes, I am very opposed to, I eliminate as much as possible to be patient a while longer 'just a minute'
but I'm just a human being exhausted my patience limit
God.. Is this the fate you gave to me?
situation like this what do you think is good for me?
until when selfishly continue to break through the wall of my patience?
I've tried God, I keep trying, but selfishly continued to try to block the patience that makes me ANGRY and BORED.
Please God, give the best to me. Give me peace and patience more. Amen

Actually, I already wrote this note on facebook, but I write it again now for the blog. Feelings of my heart when it was messy *July, 30 2010*

10 Okt 2010

illusion (re-post : syuri khodijah)

I'd never met you

and every time I ask you, why you always like won't meet me?

you always say the same words: can we not talk bout it?

oh my dear, I just wanna know your wholehearted

is you serious with me?

you always make me confused

if you just my hallucination,

if you just an illusion

i hope you'll never gone from my brain forever!

10 10 10

Wow.. tanggal yang perfect bukan?
yap yap tepat hari ini hari "minggu" tanggal 10 bulan 10 tahun 10
tapi hari ini biasa-biasa aja sih buat aku tapi yang pasti "today better than yesterday"

6 Okt 2010

conversation between the baby and God..

One morning a baby is ready to be born into the world. He asked the Lord,

Baby: "The angels are here to say that tomorrow you will send me into the world, but how do I live there being so small and weak?"

God: "I have chosen an angel for you she will keep you and love you."

Baby: "But in heaven all I ever do, is sing and laugh. Is enough for me."

God: "Your angel will sing and smile for you every day and you will feel the warmth of her love and be happier."

Baby: "And how can I understand when people talk to me, if I don't understand their language?"

God: "Angel will speak to you with the most beautiful language you've ever heard, with patience and attention she will teach you how to speak"

Baby: "What will I do when I want to talk to you?"

God: "Your angel will teach you how to pray."

Baby: "I heard that on earth there are bad men, who then who will protect me?"

God: "Your angel will protect you even if it would threaten her soul."

Baby: "but I will definitely sad because it did not see you anymore."

God: "Your angel will tell you about Me and will teach you how to get back to me, although I will always be at your side."

At that moment heaven was so quiet that the sound of the earth can be heard and the boy asked softly,

"God, if I must go now, can you tell me my angel's name?"

God answer.. "You would call the angel, Mother"

Suatu pagi seorang bayi siap untuk dilahirkan ke dunia. Dia bertanya kepada Tuhan,

Bayi : "Para malaikat di sini mengatakan bahwa besok Engkau akan mengirimku ke dunia, tetapi bagaimana cara saya hidup di sana? saya begitu kecil dan lemah."

Tuhan : "Aku sudah memilih 1 malaikat untukmu. Ia akan menjaga dan mengasihimu."

Bayi : "Tapi di sini di dalam surga apa yang pernah kulakukan hanyalah bernyanyi dan tertawa. Ini sudah cukup bagi saya."

Tuhan : "Malaikatmu akan bernyanyi dan tersenyum untukmu setiap hari dan kamu akan merasakan kehangantan cintanya dan menjadi lebih berbahagia."

Bayi : "Dan bagaimana saya bisa mengerti saat orang-orang berbicara kepadaku jika saya tidak mengerti bahasa mereka?"

Tuhan : "Malaikatmu akan berbicara kepadamu dengan bahasa paling indah yang pernah engkau dengar dan dengan penuh kesabaran dan perhatian dia akan mengajarkanmu bagaimana cara berbicara."

Bayi : "Apa yang akan saya lakukan saat saya ingin berbicara kepadamu?"

Tuhan : "Malaikatmu akan mengajarkanmu bagaimana cara berdoa."

Bayi : "Saya dengar bahwa di bumi banyak orang yang jahat, siapakah nanti yang akan melindungi saya?"

Tuhan : "Malaikatmu akan melindungimu walaupun hal itu akan mengancam jiwanya."

Bayi : "Tapi saya pasti akan sedih karena tidak melihatMu lagi."

Tuhan : "Malaikatmu akan menceritakan padamu tentang-Ku dan akan mengajarkan bagaimana agar kamu bisa kembali kepada-Ku, walaupun sesungguhnya Aku akan selalu berada di sisimu."

Saat itu surga begitu tenangnya sehingga suara dari Bumi dapat terdengar dan sang bayi pun bertanya perlahan,

"Tuhan, jika saya harus pergi sekarang, bisakah Engkau memberitahuku nama malaikat tersebut?"

Jawab Tuhan.. "Kamu akan memanggil malaikatmu, Ibu."

4 Okt 2010

as I hope and dream

When I opened my eyes, close your eyes.
You know what happened?
(try to feel I'm in front of you)

I came with great expectations, it is emitted from the light in my eyes and maybe then your heart will open your eyes to see me smile :))

2 Okt 2010

Satnite (again)

Alhamdulillah masi ketemu dengan malam minggu a.k.a sabtu a.k.a satnite :)
tapi masih dengan keadaan yang sama 'sendiri diam dirumah nonton tv megang HP' (nungguin si kakak pulang maen) hahahaha *langganan loh
kalo setiap satnite sendiri terus diadain kupon yang diberi judul 'ALONE SATNITE' pasti aku deh yang menang, soalnya aku pasti dapet kupon itu banyak dan kira-kira apa yaa hadiahnya? (imagine you)

aarrgghh.. Sometimes I'm tired of waiting, God help me with this fatigue :)

Tired tired tired

Almost six in the morning but I have not slept. why? I insomnia.
Instead I said nothing better I can edit my blog and see for yourself what my blog is now fine. Probably not too much changed, but this is time consuming, making fatigue, headache, and pain in the shoulder.
So please give me an award for my blog a new look xoxo :))

Ok, now it's time for morning prayer pilgrimage for me and hurried to bed(hibernation). Remember not to disturb my sleep !! Hahahaha
Enough for today and this morning.
Bye bye :* :*